What’s in Store for Fifth Grade Math?
小學五年級是邁向高年級的關鍵階段,學業壓力逐漸增加,內容也愈加複雜。從低年級時,學生可能背背公式便能輕鬆取得分數(但希望大家是有進行理解...),但到了五年級,情況會變得複雜得多,弦月教育望能與學生深入探討各種數學概 e.g.小數、分數、多邊形的面積及立體體積等主題,助大家熟悉考試題型和應試策略,為呈分試做好充分準備。
Facing the immense pressure of internal exams for sec schools, kids often feel overwhelmed. They need to continuously reinforce old knowledge while taking on new challenges. To help with this, Crescent Education has specially designed a fifth-grade math notebook to deepen your understanding of concepts, spark mathematical thinking, and help you excel in the transition exams, laying a solid foundation for middle school.
Fifth grade is a critical stage as students step into higher grades, with increasing academic pressure and more complex content. In the lower grades, students might easily score well by memorizing formulas (though we hope they understood them too!), but by fifth grade, things become much more complicated. Crescent Education aims to explore various math concepts with students, such as decimals, fractions, areas of polygons, and volumes of solids, helping you become familiar with exam question types and strategies, ensuring you are well-prepared.
Each year, we see new fifth graders often forgetting area formulas, which affects their understanding of volume. They also struggle with equation manipulation and fractions because many teachers overlook using tools to explain or fail to clarify the underlying principles. In contrast, at Crescent Education, we use visuals and unique catchphrases to reduce exam stress, abandoning traditional rote memorization methods. We have witnessed significant improvements of 20+ points in many students.
(And if you spend just 10-20 minutes daily on our distributed practice exercises, the results will be even better! :P)

First Semester
|多位數 Multi-digit numbers
| 近似值 Approximate values
|分數加法 Addition of fractions
|分數減法 Subtraction of fractions
|分數的混合運算 Mixed operations of fractions
|圓圈 Circles
|分數乘法 Multiplication of fractions
|代數符號 Algebraic symbols
|3-D 形狀 3-D shapes
|小數乘法 Multiplication of deciamls

|平行四邊形的面積 Areas of parallelograms
|三角形的面積 Areas of triangles
|梯形的面積 Areas of trapeziums
|多邊形的面積 Areas of polygons
|方程(一) Simple equations (1)
|方程(二) Simple equations (2)
|方程應用題 Problems involving simple equations
|複合棒形圖(一) Compound bar charts (1)
| 複合棒形圖(二) Compound bar charts (2)
|分數除法 Division of fractions
|分數四則混合計算 Mixed operations of fractions
|分數的應用 Applications of fractions
|體積(一) Volumes (1)
|體積(二) Volumes (2)
數學考試常發揮不出實力?很多大意錯誤?還是完全不理解 只是死背?
弦月教育學生的續報率可是高達 90%!由資深的數學老師團隊親自授課,並採用小組互動教學的形式。以上的小一範圍只是大部份學校教授的內容,我們為每位同學建立專屬你們的學習檔案,確保教學內容緊跟同學需求和學校進度。
Struggling to Show Your True Potential in Math Exams?
Do you often make careless mistakes or fail to understand the material and resort to rote memorization? We offer two learning modes to help you overcome these challenges:
- Relaxed Activity Mode: Perfect for students who prefer a laid-back learning environment.
- Hell Training Mode: Designed for those who want to rapidly improve their performance through intensive practice.
At Crescent Education, our student retention rate is an impressive 90%! Our seasoned team of math teachers conducts lessons using an interactive group teaching approach. While the first-grade content we cover aligns with what most schools teach, we create personalized learning profiles for each student. This ensures our teaching content matches your needs and keeps pace with your school's curriculum.
Crescent Education 弦月教育 ✓小學部 ✓中學部 ✓中英數理專科班 ✓操卷操mock班
📍新蒲崗 數學補習社 [鄰近鑽石山、啟德、黃大仙、樂富、九龍城]
San Po Kong Mathematics Tutorial Centre [Near Diamond Hill, Kai Tak, Wong Tai Sin, Lok Fu, Kowloon Bay]
📍大角咀 數學補習社 [鄰近南昌、奧運、旺角、太子、深水埗]
Tai Kok Tsui Mathematics Tutorial Centre [Near Nam Cheong, Olympic, Mong Kok, Prince Edward, Sham Shui Po]